
The Democratic Republic of Congo or DRC is the second largest country in Africa and the largest below the Sahara Desert.  A former Belgium colony the DRC is the most populous francophone (French Speaking) country in the world. “Few individuals managed to extract as much wealth from Africa as Leopold, King of the Belgians. The…

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Capoeira!! Is an Afro-Brazilian form of martial arts.  Created by slaves it is a blend of music, acrobatics, and dance. “capoeira mural” by Tara Severns is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Capoeira” by Arquivo Nacional do Brasil is marked with CC PDM 1.0 “First Friday April 2011 – Capoeira” by madmarv00 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Carnival “0167 Feathered Carnival Girl” by Mark Morgan Trinidad A is licensed under CC…

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George Washington Carver was an agricultural scientist who promoted the use of peanut and potato crops instead of cotton.  His practice of using these crops prevented soil depletion, which in turn, yielded a better crop. Garret Augustus Morgan, Sr. was a businessman and inventor.  Notable inventions are the smoke hood, predecessor to the gas mask,…

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Some may be thinking that flag looks too much like the United States Flag.  It is in fact created by Blacks from both the United States and the Caribbean to create their own colony in Western Africa for a better way of life.  “Liberia is the only black state in Africa never subjected to colonial rule and…

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A former British colony Ghana is in Western Africa with a population of approximately 30 million people.  Former Empires of Dagbon and Ashanti were in Ghana’s present-day borders long before the colonization of the region.  During the 15th century Portugal established trading routes eventually taken over by Britain.  After British Colonization Ghana reached independence in…

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Nigeria being the most populace nation in Africa and is ranked twenty-four in the world for the largest economy is something to take notice.  Prior to being a British Colony, the region had empires dating back to 1500 B.C. to 500 A.D. the Nok Civilization.  Pre-colonized Nigeria that overlapped with the transatlantic slave trade has…

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The Africa That You Did Not Expect

Space Programs             Several nations in Africa are shooting for the stars, although behind in more developed nations, it’s showing the world that they are completely capable of taking on the task.  Sub-Saharan nations such as Angola, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Nigeria are part of the Africa space race also to mention Egypt and…

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Colonization of Africa

The Berlin Conference The Transatlantic Slave was abolished on January 1, 1808 exactly four years to the day Haiti claimed independence from France after a 13-year war for freedom.  Although the transportation of slaves across the Atlantic was illegal, colonies throughout the Americas abolished slavery at different times with Brazil being last in 1888.  On…

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Slave Trade

Arab Slave Trade Unlike the transatlantic slave trade that brought millions of African Slaves to the Western Hemisphere. This slave trade established trade routes within African, The Middle East, and India. It seems that many are unaware that this slave trade lasted from the 8th to 19th centuries. The conditions of the enslaved Africans under…

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African Culture

Music The music did vary by region; however, the common denominator was that music strengthens community is Sub-Saharan Africa.  “As African society has changed in response to the forces of colonization, independence, and globalization the role of music changed as well, adapting to the new situation in which the people of Africa find themselves. Though…

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