
The Bahamas is located just southeast of the Florida mainland and east of the Florida Keys.  This chain of islands has an approximate population of 386,00 people consisting mostly of blacks from the transatlantic slave trade.  The country is a former British Colony and still is a commonwealth of the nation receiving independent commonwealth realm in 1973. 

English is the official language in the Bahamas, Haitian Creole is spoken by Haitian immigrants that comprise approximately 25% of the Islands population.  The economy in the Bahamas is generated by their tourism that accounts for 50% of the country’s GDP, coincidentally that same amount consists of the countries workforce to accommodate the tourist industry. 

Due to the proximity to the United States, they are heavily influenced by American sports like baseball, basketball, and American Football.  Unlike other British colonies and commonwealths where cricket is the primary sport, this not the case in the Bahamas.

*Data From:

Bahamian Music

  • Calypso
  • Soca
  • Junkanoo
  • Rake and Scrape

Bahamian Cuisine

  • Conch is the national dish; this mollusk can be found near the waters of the Bahamas.
  • Rock Lobster is a spiny clawless crab that is usually boiled, grinded up, and served in salad.
  • Grits
  • Baked Macaroni and Cheese is a less saucy then the American version
  • Potato Salad
  • Peas and Rice
  • Johnnycake is a cornmeal bread side dish
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